Fulbright Scholar
‘Beauty in the Chaos’: Fulbright Scholar’s Focus on Gemstone Trade in Sri Lanka
Anthropology faculty Brian Brazeal navigated the global pandemic and political unrest as he went to Sri Lanka to document the country's gemstone trade as part of his Fulbright Scholar Award.
Fulbright Experience Helps Agriculture Faculty Deepen Roots Across the World
Whether it was teaching his students, learning from colleagues, or endearing himself to local food vendors, College of Agriculture faculty Lee Altier's Fulbright experience in Turkey was a memorable one.
Chico State Once Again Recognized as Fulbright HSI Institutional Leader
Chico State has been recognized as a 2022 Fulbright HSI Leader for its noteworthy engagement with the Fulbright Program during the 2021-2022 academic year.
Anthropology Faculty Reflects on Fulbright Experience in Jordan
Anthropology faculty Jesse Dizard shares about his experience as a Fulbright Scholar in Jordan.
University Among Nation’s Top Fulbright Scholar-Producing Higher Ed Institutions
With three scholars teaching and researching abroad, Chico State was acknowledged by the US Department of State as a national leader in higher education.
Worth Sharing: NSPR Wins Regional Murrow Award
A listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students.