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Chico State

Strategic Plan

Joseph Morales looks into the distance, wearing a dark gray suit and a blue shirt.

Chief Diversity Officer Joseph Morales Writes a New Chapter at Chico State

As a first-generation graduate whose life was transformed by access to education, Joseph Morales knows firsthand how powerful it can be.

A matrix of the Strategic Plan lights up on a screen on the Harlen Adams Theatre stage to a crowd of hundreds in the audience.

On the Path to Preeminence

President Gayle Hutchinson invites the community to join her in a deeper look at the Strategic Plan and how it will shape Chico State.

CSU, Chico President Unveils University’s New Strategic Plan

After two years of anticipation and community-wide collaboration, Chico State President Gayle Hutchinson has unveiled a new mission and vision for the University.

The deconstruction process continues as Siskiyou Hall is torn down to make way for a new physical science building. Chico State will be hosting a series of open house input sessions over the next few weeks. These open house discussions will be an opportunity for the campus and Chico communities to talk about the University's Strategic and Master Plans currently in the works.

CSU, Chico Partners with Community to Plan the University’s Future at Upcoming Strategic, Master Plan Discussions

As California State University, Chico discusses major institutional and infrastructure planning to help carry it through the next 10 years and beyond, the campus community and University neighbors are invited to join the conversation.

The southeast entrance to campus shows the faces of students, faculty, and staff on pole banners.

From the President: Innovating for our Future

President Hutchinson invites the campus community to engage in the Strategic Plan, Master Plan, and WASC Accreditation processes underway this fall.

The sun filters through the trees over Kendall Hall.

President Hutchinson’s End-of-Semester Message

As the semester draws to a close, President Gayle Hutchinson reflects on highlights and achievements since January.