CSU, Chico WSCUC Accreditation Reaffirmed for Eight Years
The University was honored this summer to have its accreditation reaffirmed for a period of eight years.
From the President: Innovating for our Future
President Hutchinson invites the campus community to engage in the Strategic Plan, Master Plan, and WASC Accreditation processes underway this fall.
President Hutchinson’s End-of-Semester Message
As the semester draws to a close, President Gayle Hutchinson reflects on highlights and achievements since January.
9 Things to Know About WASC
Help us, as we not only put our best foot forward but critically and honestly examine ourselves and prepare to unleash our true potential.
From the President: A Time for Renewal
President Hutchinson writes that she hopes the campus will ponder the potential of spring and watch for opportunities to be a part of strategic planning, WASC, and the process of renewal and growth.