Kim Jaxon
Sixth Annual Joy of Learning Showcases Chico State Educators
From cognitive science to the power of emojis to the coldest stuff in the universe, Chico State is ready to educate at the sixth annual Joy of Learning, which takes place virtually on Friday, October 13.
Worth Sharing: NCWP Awarded Grant to Work in Rural Schools
A listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students.
CSU, Chico Recognizes 2019–20 Outstanding Faculty
These awards—among the highest at CSU, Chico—celebrate the excellence of eight phenomenal faculty.
Faculty Boost Grant Skills at Boot Camp
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is immersing faculty in a program to strengthen their grant proposal skills and elevate the University's research profile.
CSU, Chico to Host Screenings and Discussions of ‘American Creed’
What does it mean to be American? That’s the question filmmakers investigate in the documentary “American Creed,” which is being screened next week on multiple nights at locations around Butte County, including twice on the Chico State campus.
Teachers Help Teachers Color Classrooms with Love
School of Education students joined educators from across Butte County to Color a Classroom with Love, providing Paradise teachers who lost their classrooms in the Camp Fire with a start on the supplies they need to resume teaching.
Worth Sharing: DeAtley Elected by American Society of Animal Science Board to Serve Region
The following is a listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff and students.
Voice of a Graduate
By Kyleen Bromley, master’s degree candidate, English To be honest, I was pretty lost before attending Chico State. And by lost I mean I literally didn’t know what to do with my life. I had reached out to the English department and was quickly greeted by professors Kim Jaxon and Rob Davidson with some suggestions on […]