Worth Sharing: Health Services Administration Students Place First (Again)
The following is a listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students. Submit your professional achievements to ucomm@csuchico.edu.
Publications, Presentations and Exhibits
Political science students Kelsey McCaffrey, Maria Barriga, and William Barker presented their research at the Pi Sigma Alpha National Student Research Conference in Washington, D.C.
Heather Altfeld, from the Honors Program and the Department of English, had her essay “Obituary for Dead Languages,” originally published in Conjunctions Literary Magazine, selected for inclusion in the Best Essays of 2019.
Awards and Activities
Earlier this month, Chico State Health Services Administration students took first place in the American College of Healthcare Executives’ Western Region Health Services Administration College Bowl at the CA Endowment in Los Angeles, the fifth consecutive year Chico State has captured first place. The College Bowl team consisted of seniors: Hillary Brennan, Lindsey Smith, Victor Lopez, Bhupinder Nijjar, and Alex Lozano. Faculty members Rick Narad and Stan Salinas were team coaches, and two health administration juniors, MacKenzie Vasquez and Kathryn August, also helped the team.
The Masters of Social Work student team of Sierra Schmidt and Suzanne Bakken placed third at the Future Four competition in Sacramento, showcasing their program Home & Heart.
Senior men’s golfer Josh McCollum captured his second consecutive (and his third overall) California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) Men’s Golfer of the Week honor, after placing third at the Mustang Invitational.