Worth Sharing: NASPA Hands Out Hardware to Three Chico State Organizations
The following is a listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students. Submit your professional achievements to ucomm@csuchico.edu.
Publications, Presentations and Exhibits
Tobin Roye and David Dvorin (both from the Department of Music and Theatre) joined Ray Barker (after whom the department’s recording studio is named) and former department chairs Alfred Loeffler and David Colson at a Sundays at Two musical performance in Zingg Recital Hall.
Rob Davidson (Department of English) appeared at the Avid Reader in Davis and read from his short novel “What Some Would Call Lies.”
Awards and Activities
The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) recognized three University organizations in its annual Excellence Awards:
- Adventure Outings was named the Gold Winner in the Athletics, Recreation, Physical Fitness, Non-Varsity Sports, and related Excellence category for its Get Outdoors Fund Scholarship Program
- The Accessibility Resource Center earned a silver award in the International, Multicultural, Gender, LGBTQ , Spirituality, Disability, and related Excellence category for Academic Coaching for Students with Disabilities
- Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) won a Bronze Award in the Civic Learning, Democratic Engagement, Service-Learning and related Excellence category
University Communications won multiple awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in recognition of its publications, marketing and development programs as examples of best practices. UCOMM earned a:
- Gold Award in the issues and crisis management category (the department’s response to the student death on campus last March)
- Gold Award in fundraising publications for its 2016-17 Annual Report: A New Day
- Silver Award in the category of Best Articles of the Year for the Chico Statements story “University Tackles Students Most Basic Needs: Housing and Hunger”
- Bronze Award in targeted campaigns for Chico State Giving Day