Worth Sharing: Prieto Presents Paper in Croatia
The following is a listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff and students. Submit your professional achievements to ucomm@csuchico.edu.
Publications, Presentations and Exhibits
Jim Downing, Department of Management, wrote a piece in Wine Industry Advisor titled, “Business Environment Perceptions of Wineries in the Sierra Foothills: A Call for a Comprehensive Study,” exploring similarities and differences on how family-owned wineries in the Sierra Foothills perceive their business environment and challenges. Read more here.
Mike Magliari, Department of History, penned a guest column in the Chico News & Review about the preservation of the iconic water towers at Orient and Third Streets titled “Tangible links to Chico’s rich history.” Read more here.
Bruce Grelle, Department of Comparative Religion and Humanities, presented “Religious Studies Perspectives on the ‘Religion of the Market’” at the 21st biannual meeting of the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen in Nuremberg, Germany.
Char Prieto, Department of International Languages, Literature and Cultures, presented the paper “Asians Going West: Approaching Asian and Hispanic Cultural Exchanges” at the East West Intercultural Conference at the University of Zagreb in Croatia in May 2018.