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Chico State

Department of Sociology

Leaf detail on the underside of an arch on a building

Worth Sharing: Chase Selected as a Fulbright US Scholar

A listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students.

Pillars rise from the ground among stairs in an stylish aerial photograph.

Worth Sharing: Kimball Publishes Book No. 22

A listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students.

Portrait of Pedro Espinoza wearing his police chief uniform.

Alumnus Leads Gilroy Police Department Into Next Phase of Law Enforcement

When Pedro Espinoza (Sociology, '99) was named chief of the Gilroy Police Department last year, he knew the opportunity would be rife with challenges—and he is up to the task.

Portrait of Veronica Ramirez Nievez sitting on a bench

Scholarship Gives Single Mom Support to Succeed

Faced with personal challenges, raising her teenage son, and caring for her mother, scholarship awardee Veronica Ramirez Nievez's resilience helped her earn her degree in sociology.

A woman sits on the outdoor step of her travel trailer.

The Camp Fire’s Forgotten Communities

In chronicling the stories of survivors, the Camp Fire Oral History Project has captured the challenges of recovery among the most rural populations.

Kendall Hall is bathed in light on an early winter morning.

Worth Sharing: OATS Earns California Higher Education Efficiency Award

A listing of professional achievements by Chico State faculty, staff, and students.


EDXCHICO Lectures Will Ignite Curiosity on First Day at CSU, Chico

On a day when jitters, anticipation, and excitement fill the air, California State University, Chico is offering an open-air teach-in for all.

Jones and her family pose for a photo.

Earning Her Degree, Virtually

Yesenia Jones refused to let anything stop her from earning her degree, a goal that was met through her unwavering passion and the accessibility that online education offered her.